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To give PEOPLE far from GOD the opportunity
to experience new life in CHRIST.

Service Times:
In-Person Sundays @ 8:45am | 10:15am
Online here, Facebook, and YouTube.

Even the best of Christians have flaws and experience failures. One role of the Holy Spirit is to convict of sin that brings repentance and restoration. However, there is another force at work that stems from our fleshly nature and Satan to condemn and destroy. In Christ, there is victory over failure and we must learn to follow the pathway that leads to victory.

Fill the Tank Sunday
April 27, 2025
What if we could see more people publically profess Christ on ONE Sunday than we ever have before?
That's the heart behind Fill the Tank and we're joining with hundreds of churches across our state who are making it their goal to do the same.
Sign up to take your faith PUBLIC!
I have come in order that you might have life--life in all its fullness.
John 10:10

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